Psychomotor therapy is a paramedical profession with an holistic approach to a person’s physical and psychological functions. It takes into account motor, cognitive, emotional and relational aspects. It is an holistic approach intended for every individual, from infants to the elderly. The aim of psychomotor therapy is to help the person to regain control of their body and to enable them to adapt better to the world around them. A psychomotor therapist is a healthcare professional, a medical auxiliary, who works on medical prescription. Using a psychomotor assessment they evaluate the subjects’ various psychomotor functions. After having defined the subject's abilities and difficulties, and how they express themselves, the psychomotor therapist will draw up a therapeutic plan.

Places of work
- primary education (ESEB);
- secondary education (Service socio-éducatif, SePAS, ESEB);
- Centre psychosocial et d'accompagnement scolaires (CePAS);
- education and care establishments for children (maisons relais, parental assistants, day centres or school hostels, crèches, mini-crèches);
- youth centres, socio-familiar and school boarding schools;
- competence centres for specialised psychopedagogy.
- assessment of abilities and analysis of specific needs;
- adapting aids and the school and work environment;
- training in the use of special equipment;
- providing assistance and guidance to teachers;
- preparing training courses (internal and external);
- awareness-raising and guidance for the family and educational environment.
- bachelor's degree (Belgium);
- training in psychomotor therapy leading to the Diplôme d'État (France);
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychomotor Therapy (Switzerland).
Access to the profession
The profession of psychomotor therapist is regulated. This means that a legal text defines the conditions for practising this profession and that authorisation from the Ministry of Health is required.
More information about higher education in Luxembourg and abroad on, a web portal of the Ministry for Research and Higher Education (MESR).

Do you have any questions?
Maison de l'orientation
29, rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg
Phone: (+352) 80 02 81 81
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 (except for the "higher education" counter, which is only open in the afternoons from 13:00 to 17:00).
The Maison de l'orientation is a government agency that brings together in one place public players active in the field of educational and vocational guidance. In its "guidance" area, citizens can take advantage of a first meeting without appointment and anonymously, all year round (also during school holidays).
The portal
The website of the Ministry of Research and Higher Education (MESR) is aimed at high school and university students who wish to pursue higher education, but also at anyone who wants to return to higher education. You will find information on:
- higher education in Luxembourg and abroad, admission requirements and university enrolment procedures, etc.;
- State financial aid for higher education (MESR financial aid department);
- procedures for entering a regulated profession;
- information sessions and not-to-be-missed events such as webinars, open days, etc. ;
- the MESR Student Fair, held annually at the end of October;
- publications from the MESR's Higher Education Information Service (Info études) and Financial Aid Service (AideFi).
For all questions relating to the recognition of higher education qualifications, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Research and Higher Education.