For at least a century, immigration has played a decisive role in Luxembourg’s economic development. Currently, the country’s population features an extremely large proportion of foreigners: on 1 January 2024, 47.3% of the total population was not of Luxembourgish nationality.
Language teaching occupies an important role in the Grand Duchy’s education system. The official languages are Luxembourgish, French and German. The language of communication among Luxembourgers is Luxembourgish; the main language of communication between Luxembourgers and people who speak other languages is French.
School attendance is compulsory between the ages of 4 and 16 years. It includes a minimum of twelve years, divided between primary school (école fondamentale) and secondary education.
All children of compulsory school age must be enrolled at a school, whatever their parents’ status. No child may be refused.
The vast majority of children and teenagers attend public, i.e. State-run schools. Additionally, several private schools offer either the same type of education as public schools, or other variants in terms of language and/or teaching concept.
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