EDI-Infomagazin fir Elteren, the magazine providing parents with information on education, is published by the Ministry of Education, Childhood and Youth.
It provides information on the many reforms and improvements implemented in every area of the Ministry’s activities. Its aim is to provide you, as parents, with information on the changes being made in schools, education and childcare facilities, work with young people, vocational training, adult education, etc.
It means you will be able to get more involved in the efforts being made to offer your child a better future.
EDI is circulated to parents through the crèches their children attend, and sent by post to the homes of parents of pupils at elementary and secondary schools, in vocational training, and those attending competence centres.
Current issue:
EDI-Infomagazin fir Elteren N° 1 - 2025 (PDF)
- ALPHA – Zesumme wuessen : Deux langues d’alphabétisation, une école !
- Dossier Screen-Life-Balance : Moins d’écrans, plus d’activités !
- Gesondheetsberuffer: Karriäre mat Zukunft
Each issue can also be downloaded in digital format here.
E-mail address for contacting the editorial team: communication@men.lu