The Ministry

The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth is the administration responsible for preparing and implementing government policy in the areas of education, children and youth.

Whether formal or non-formal education – quality and socially just education and childcare are essential to give all children, young people and adults equal opportunities to shape their future.

The responsibilities of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth are defined in annexe B of the Government’s Internal Regulation.

Services related to the ministry

Agence nationale pour les programmes européens d’éducation, de formation et de jeunesse (Anefore)

Anefore is the national agency in charge of implementing the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes in Luxembourg. Anefore is also the national Europass and Euroguidance centre, the national eTwinning support organisation, the national unit of the Eurydice network and the national correspondent of the Youth Wiki network.

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BEE SECURE is a government initiative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, operated by the Service national de la jeunesse (SNJ, National Youth Service) and the Kanner-Jugendtelefon (KJT, children and youth helpline), in partnership with the Luxembourg House of Cybersecurity, the Luxembourg Police and the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. BEE SECURE is coordinated by the SNJ and co-financed by the European Commission. Government involvement is ensured by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Ministry of the Economy and the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees. BEE SECURE is part of the European networks INSAFE (awareness centres) and INHOPE (reporting centres for illegal content).

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Centre de gestion informatique de l’Éducation (CGIE)

The Centre de gestion informatique de l’Éducation (CGIE, IT Management Centre for Education) ensures the development of IT applications and maintains the IT infrastructure and equipment. In particular, it is in charge of the one2one programme, which aims to equip all secondary school students with IT tools.

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Centre psychosocial et d’accompagnement scolaires (CePAS)

The Centre psychosocial et d’accompagnement scolaires (CePAS) offers young people between the ages of 12 and 30 psychological, psychotherapeutic and educational support, psychomotor rehabilitation and guidance for school and studies orientation. CePAS also manages the subsidies for low-income households and the school attendance allowance (subvention de maintien scolaire).

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Centre socio-éducatif de l’État (CSEE)

The Centre socio-éducatif de l’État (CSEE, State Socio-Educational Centre) is a public social service provider in charge of youth assistance and youth protection. According to the law of 16 June 2004, the CSEE receives minors entrusted to it after a decision by the legal authorities for an indefinite period and as a general rule until these minors reach the age of 18.

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Digital Learning Hub

The Digital Learning Hub (DLH) was created in the context of continuous vocational training within the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. Its mission is to reduce the digital skills gap in Luxembourg. The DLH is a learning structure that offers short and hands-on training courses in the fields of computer science for professionals to further educate themselves, improve their skills or switch careers.

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Institut étatique d’aide à l’enfance et à la jeunesse (AITIA)

The Institut étatique d’aide à l’enfance et à la jeunesse (AITIA, State Institute for Support to Children and Youth) is an administration of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. The law of August 1, 2019 concerning AITIA charges it with the following missions: socio-educational reception and accommodation, prevention and social support, therapy and caring, educational and professional training as well as innovation and research.

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Institut de formation de l’Éducation nationale (IFEN)

The Institut de formation de l’Éducation nationale (IFEN, National Education Training Institute) is in charge of the professional integration and continuous training of the teaching, educational and psychosocial staff.

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Institut national des langues Luxembourg (INLL)

The Institut national des langues Luxembourg (INLL, National Institute for Languages Luxembourg) is a public administration placed under the authority of the Minister for Education, Children and Youth. The main tasks of the INLL are to give language classes to adults and to certify language skills with diplomas and certificates.

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Institut national pour le développement de la formation continue (INFPC)

The Institut national pour le développement de la formation professionnelle continue (INFPC, National Institute for the Development of Continuing Vocational Training) is a public institution that comes under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. As the central body for information and key actor in respect of lifelong learning, the INFPC informs and supports businesses and individuals in their training-related procedures. It is also a favoured point of contact for training providers and institutions that are active in the field of lifelong learning.

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Maison de l’orientation

A true one-stop shop, the Maison de l’orientation (House of Orientation) is open to all citizens, regardless of age, seeking advice on their educational and professional orientation. The website provides detailed information as well as contacts for those involved in orientation.

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Office national de l'enfance (ONE)

The Office national de l’enfance (ONE, National Office for Children) is open to all children and young adults up to the age of 27 who encounter psychosocial distress in their daily lives. Following an evaluation of the resources and difficulties of the children and their families, ONE can set up individual assistance measures, either ambulatory, institutional or in foster care.

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Observatoire national de l’enfance, de la jeunesse et de la qualité scolaire

The mission of the Observatoire national de l’enfance, de la jeunesse et de la qualité scolaire (OEJQS) is to evaluate and supervise the quality of education provided in the educational system. It is an independent structure that has an expert role, providing an objective view on the state of the school system.

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The Restopolis school and university catering service manages the majority of the restaurants and cafeterias of the classical and general secondary education establishments, the restaurants of the University of Luxembourg, the school of the Luxembourgish police and the state primary school Eis Schoul. It also provides the catering for several education and care facilities and boarding schools.

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Service de coordination de la recherche et de l’innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT)

The Service de coordination de la recherche et de l’innovation pédagogiques et technologiques (SCRIPT, Coordinating Service for Educational and Technological Research and Innovation) is responsible for implementing educational policy priorities and thus contributing to the development of school quality. It participates in the development of school and extracurricular projects, the spread of examples of good practice in education, the networking of schools, curriculum development and the design, editing and distribution of teaching materials. In addition, it ensures the production and interpretation of data and statistics as well as the development and implementation of the Plan de développement de l’établissement scolaire (PDS, School Development Plan). SCRIPT is also specialised in the production and audiovisual documentation of projects or activities related to education and pedagogical innovation.

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Service de médiation scolaire

The School Mediator deals with complaints related to students at risk of dropping out of school, the inclusion of students with special needs in school and the integration of students with a migrant background.

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Service national de la jeunesse (SNJ)

The mission of the Service national de la jeunesse (SNJ, National Youth Service) is to contribute to the implementation of youth policy,to design and organise a wide range of educational programmes and activities in the field of non-formal education, to support the transition of young people to working life, to be a contact and advisory body for those involved in non-formal education, to ensure pedagogical quality in the work with children and young people.

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