About this site


You are on the portal of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The aim of this portal is to provide simple, fast and user-friendly access to the ministry's news and to a wide range of information about the Luxembourg education system.

It is published by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

This portal is not a static site; it is subject to a continuous process of updating and quality control.

It has been produced with the help of the Government IT Centre (Centre des technologies de l'information de l'État , CTIE).

If you have any questions about this portal and its content, you can contact us using our contact form.

For legal notices and information on hosting this site, see the legal aspects page.


The Renow team takes great care to ensure the best quality and accessibility levels. This website was designed according to the Renow Referential (Web Normalization Referential of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg).

Accessibility statement

The Luxembourg Government pursues the objective to make its sites accessible to the greatest possible number of people. Read more about our accessibility policy (in French) on the website renow.public.lu.

To find out more about the accessibility of this particular website and to report an accessibility issue, you can consult the accessibility statement.

This site has been designed on these principles and we are committed to improve the accessibility to the contents in order to avoid any discrimination in terms of access to information. If you experience any difficulties accessing information, please contact the Renow team.


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