In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, primary education is provided by public, private or international elementary schools.
Children aged between 3 and 11 attend public elementary school, covering nine years of schooling subdivided into four learning cycles. All children living in Luxembourg who are 4 years old before 1 September must attend elementary school.
Cycle 1 (3-5 years) corresponds to pre-primary education and includes: éducation précoce (early childhood education and care) (3-4 years) and éducation préscolaire (preschool education) (4-5 years). The first year is optional. Cycles 2 to 4 (6-11 years) correspond to primary education.
The future of our children demands to meet the challenges of a constantly changing society: multiplication of knowledge, abundance of information, new technologies, multiculturalism.
In the Grand Duchy, the numerous linguistic differences of residents and the trilingual tradition added to the diversity of family situations increase the expectations towards school education.
Elementary school must provide each child with the tools to succeed. To achieve this, methods and contents focus on the needs of each pupil, with a practical approach of knowledge based on skills, promoting cooperation between the various actors and relying on the professionalism of teachers.
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