The Vocational aptitude diploma for inclusion officer (DAP Inclusion) prepares students to work with children with special needs in formal and non-formal education.

Places of work
- primary schools (A-EBS);
- secondary education (Service socio-éducatif, SePAS, ESEB);
- competence centres for specialised psychopedagogy:
- non formal and inclusive education and care establishments for children (maisons relais, crèches, mini-crèches);
- care services for persons with disabilities;
- housing services for persones with disabilities;
- personal assistance.
Missions within the educational system
- support persons with special needs so that they can participate in everyday life wherever they wish;
- work in multidisciplinary teams.
The course lasts three years. The first year is full-time in secondary school, with two four-week placements. The second and third years run concurrently, under an apprenticeship contract, with two days a week in secondary school and three at the training company.
The DAP Inclusion is offered in German at the following secondary schools:
- Lycée du Nord Wiltz;
- Lycée Bel-Val;
- Bouneweger Lycée Luxembourg;
- École privée Sainte-Anne.
The training for adults is available at the École nationale pour adultes (ENAD) and covers three years under an apprenticeship contract with two days per week in school and three days in the company.
Do you have any questions?
Maison de l'orientation
29, rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg
Phone: (+352) 80 02 81 81
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00 (except for the "higher education" counter, which is only open in the afternoons from 13:00 to 17:00).
The Maison de l'orientation is a government agency that brings together in one place public players active in the field of educational and vocational guidance. In its "guidance" area, citizens can take advantage of a first meeting without appointment and anonymously, all year round (also during school holidays).