Music education

Music education is one of the missions of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, trying to make this educational offer accessible to as many children, young people and adults as possible.

Music education is available at the municipal level in the fields of music, dance and performing arts. It contributes to personal fulfilment and development. Music education allows students to develop their concentration, creativity, curiosity and self-esteem.

A wide range of courses focus on three objectives:

  • to awaken, develop and cultivate the knowledge and taste of music, dance and performing arts in young people so that they can participate in musical and cultural life;
  • to provide young people with general and specialised training in the various fields to start advanced studies at a higher educational or university level;
  • to provide training and advanced courses for adults.

Free of charge: making music education accessible to everyone

As of the start of the academic year 2022-2023, the ministry will be offering a very large part of music, dance and performing arts classes in music education institutions at the municipal level free of charge – from introduction to music (from the age of 4) to the diploma of the first cycle ("diplôme du premier cycle", or similar) for all children and young people up to the age of 18.

For students over 18  or who are enrolled in higher level courses, municipalities and municipal syndicates are required to cap fees at 100 Euro per subject and per academic year. This measure also applies to all adult courses.

Low-income households (not exceeding the threshold of 3.5 times the social minimum wage for unskilled workers) will receive a full refund of the fees for courses that are not free upon application with the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. Families with an income exceeding up to 20% of the threshold may benefit from a partial refund as of the start of the academic year 2022-2023.

The age limit for the refund is increased to 18 years as of the start of the academic year 2022-2023.

A wide range of courses available at municipal level

Music education is organised at the municipal level with about 20,500 students from the age of 4 on and nearly 900 teachers. Courses are taught in local music schools, regional music schools and music conservatories. The complete list of music education institutions and their academic offer is available on:

Music education covers the fields of music, performing arts and dance. Within these three departments, the course offer includes among others:

 Music Department:

  • introduction to music;
  • musical training;
  • jazz music training;
  • music theory and writing;
  • jazz music theory;
  • instrumental training;
  • jazz instrument training;
  • vocal training;
  • vocal jazz training;
  • chamber music and combo;
  • improvisation;
  • choral and orchestral conducting;
  • adult classes.

Performing Arts Department:

  • theatre training (for children from 7 to 13 years);
  • diction (German, French, Luxembourgish);
  • drama (German, French);
  • adult classes.

 Dance Department:

  • introduction to dance;
  • music training for dancers;
  • dance (ballet, contemporary, jazz);
  • adult classes.

You will find further information on the available courses here.

The pupil's journey in music education

Musical, instrumental and dance introduction starts from the age of 4 or 5, with a maximum duration of three years, to introduce and teach children the ability and joy of expressing themselves through music or dance, this includes learning to sing, to move to music (introduction to music), beginning to play an instrument (introduction to instruments), and to dance (introduction to dance).

A musical approach at this age greatly contributes to the general development and fulfilment of the child's intellectual and manual skills and personality.

The "introduction" type courses prepare students for music, instrument and dance training courses.

The objective of the courses of music, instrument and dance training is:

  • to develop a taste, pleasure and interest in music or dance;
  • to provide basic training; and
  • to prepare students for the continuation of their studies.

Music lessons are mandatory until the certificate of the lower division to continue or start instrument, vocal or dance classes.

For performing arts, children start with theatre (from the age of 7 and up to the age of 13) before diction classes as of the age of 14. The basic course "stage" is mandatory to continue or start diction classes.

The training offer continues, if applicable, with the courses of the middle division, the specialised middle division and the upper division.

Organisation of musical education

Music education is organised by municipalities under the supervision of the ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

The government commissioner for music education

Coordination, control and supervision of music education is the mission of the government commissioner for music education (commissaire du gouvernement à l’enseignement musical), assisted by a deputy government commissioner (commissaire du gouvernement adjoint).

The government commissioner also advises the minister and the other members of the government on all matters regarding music education; analyses all matters regarding music education subject to the government's decision; provides advice to municipalities or municipal syndicates and their institutions.

The programme committee

The programme committee is responsible for issuing opinions or making proposals on teaching subjects, levels, duration of the courses, and teaching and exam programmes.

The members of the commission are appointed by the minister of Education, Children and Youth. The commission includes one representative from each of the conservatories, two representatives from the member institutions of the Association of Music schools, two representatives from the institutions falling under the competence of the École de musique de l’Union Grand-Duc Adolphe and one representative from the Association of Luxembourg cities and municipalities (SYVICOL).


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