Adult education

Adult education offers people who are over 18 an opportunity to finish, supplement or acquire vocational training. It therefore fits in with the idea of “lifelong learning”.

The qualifications offered within the framework of adult education are, depending on the training course: 

  • the vocational capacity certificate (certificat de capacité professionnelle, CCP);
  • the vocational aptitude diploma (diplôme d’aptitude professionnelle, DAP);
  • the technician’s diploma (diplôme de technicien, DT).

Please note: Adult education can only be completed as part of concurrent education: i.e. part of the vocational training takes place in a training organisation (under a vocational training contract), the other part (one to three days a week) takes place in a secondary school.

Adult education is organised in collaboration with the Service de l’orientation professionnelle (Vocational guidance department) of the ADEM, which manages enrolment.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • be at least 18 years old;
  • no longer have been in the initial school system or under an initial apprenticeship contract for at least 12 months;
  • be affiliated to the Centre commun de la Sécurité sociale (CCSS, Joint Social Security Centre) for at least 12 months (continuously or otherwise) for at least 16 hours per week.

Adult apprentices are paid the social minimum wage for unskilled workers.


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