Quality is not limited to infrastructure and safety standards. To prepare for the future of each child, and therefore of the future generation, in the best way possible, in September 2016 the State put in place an educational quality system, to which all education and childcare facilities, mini-crèches, parental assistants and chèque-service accueil scheme service providers adhere.
- A national reference framework for educational work:
The pedagogical work of the educational staff and the parental assistants is based on the national reference framework on non-formal education. This framework describes the overall objectives and educational principles that must be implemented for the benefit of the children. At the same time, it provides points of reference for planning educational activities. At the heart of matters to be considered are independence, voluntary participation, group learning relating to the image of a 'competent child' with various interests and abilities from birth.
- A wide range of continuing training courses for staff of education and childcare facilities and for parental assistants:
One of the key elements of the quality of educational care is continuing training for staff. The State has been offering free training courses for educational staff and for parental assistants since early 2022. There is a wide range of continuing training courses coordinated nationally.
Professional support for the management teams of education and childcare facilities and specific training for technical and administrative personnel are also offered.
- Regular monitoring:
Educational quality is monitored in the field by the regional officers of the National Youth Service (SNJ). These thirty or so officers provide support and advice to the managers and staff of education and childcare facilities and mini-crèches, as well as to parental assistants.
Compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements is regularly checked by the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.