International Convention on the Rights of the Child

In 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was ratified in Luxembourg by the Chamber of Deputies in December 1993.

The International Convention on the Rights of the Child sets the goal of protecting every child and adolescent under the age of 18. It gives the child the right to have his or her best interests assessed and given primary consideration in all actions or decisions that concern him or her, both in the public and private spheres. By approving this text, Luxembourg committed to respect the rights set forth therein:

  • right to protection from all forms of discrimination;
  • right to both parents;
  • right to education;
  • right to participation;
  • right to health and wellbeing;
  • right to a clean and durable environment and to a decent standard of living;
  • right to protection from all forms of violence and from exploitation;
  • right to laugh, to play and to dream;
  • right to assistance in a disability situation;
  • right to assistance and protection in the event of a national or international crisis situation (war), etc.

Luxembourg also committed to guaranteeing these rights to all children under its jurisdiction, regardless of their national or social origin, skin colour, gender, language, religion, opinions or those of their parents.

Documents and links

International Convention on the Rights of the Child

  • Loi du 20 décembre 1993 portant
    1) approbation de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant, adoptée par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies le 20 novembre 1989
    2) modification de certaines dispositions du code civil

Ratified protocols (in French)

National report (in French)

Alternative reports (in French)

Final remarks (in French)

Report history

Last update