The Department for children's rights is in charge of international relations in the field of children's rights, the coordination at inter-ministerial level of Luxembourg's reporting obligations to the UN and the Council of Europe, the collection of scientific knowledge and good practices, as well as awareness-raising and promotional actions at national level.
To do this, the Department acts at various levels:
United Nations Organisation
- coordination of Luxembourg's periodic responses in the field of children's rights under the International convention on the rights of the child;
- coordination of Luxembourg's periodic replies to the optional protocols to the International convention on the rights of the child ratified by Luxembourg;
- representation of Luxembourg at the general reflection days organised by the UN Committee on the rights of the child.
More information:
European Union
- representation of Luxembourg on the informal expert group of children's rights coordinators;
- representation of Luxembourg in the European guardianship network; representation of Luxembourg in the informal expert group on the protection of children in migration.
More information:
Council of Europe
- representation of Luxembourg on the Committee of the Parties to the protection of children from sexual exploitation and abuse (Lanzarote Committee);
- representation of Luxembourg on the ad hoc Committee on the rights of the child (Comité Directeur pour les Droits de l’Enfant (CDENF))
National consultation
The Department for children's rights also participates in inter-ministerial committees and active work groups on children's rights:
- Inter-ministerial Committee on Youth – under the direction of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth;
- Inter-ministerial Committee to combat trafficking in human beings – under the direction of the Ministry of Justice;
- Inter-ministerial Committee on Human Rights – under the direction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Inter-ministerial Committee for the promotion of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons – under the direction of the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region;
- Work group on children's welfare in sport, including representatives of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, the Ministry of Sport, the Comité olympique et sportif luxembourgeois (COSL), the l’Ombudsman pour les droits de l’enfant (OKaJu), the ECPAT association and UNICEF Luxembourg. The approach is based on international guidelines and standards as well as the observations of the Ombudsman fir Kanner a Jugendlecher.