
Assessment measures and certifies the skills and knowledge acquired by the student at a given moment in time. In classical secondary education (ESC) and general secondary education (ESG) it is based on assignments and tests (written or oral tests, works completed in class or at home or in teams…). According to subjects, there are one, two or three tests per quarter. Assessments are based on marks. The quarter or semester average is represented by marks based on a maximum of 60 points. Oral tests are organised in specific subjects.

Quarter or trimester marks correspond to the average of the points obtained in the assignments and the tests. This average can be adjusted by up to four points based on the efforts and motivation of the student.

Transcript ("bulletin")

At the end of each quarter (or semester) the legal representative of the student or if the student is major of age, the student him-/herself receives a transcript (bulletin) providing among others:

  • the quarter (or semester) marks obtained in the various subjects;
  • if applicable, the overall average;
  • remediation measures in case of insufficient results;
  • the number of lessons during which the student was absent;
  • if applicable, the student’s behaviour in class.

The end of year transcript (bulletin de fin d’année scolaire) also includes :

  • the annual marks obtained in each subject;
  • if applicable, the overall annual average;
  • the decision regarding the promotion of the student (moving on to the next classes or not);
  • The opinion regarding the orientation of the student (at the end of the class of 7C, 4C and 5G).

The promotion criteria provide for compensation possibilities for insufficient marks under specific conditions. The objective of these possibilities is to avoid penalizing punctual weaknesses of a student who has obtained good marks in the other subjects.

Transcript supplement ("complément au bulletin")

The mere awarding of marks on a total of 60 points and the calculation of the quarter and annual averages is not enough to reflect the advanced acquisition of skills. In the lower classes the transcript supplement specifies the acquired level in each field of competence. The transcript contains one average mark per subject; the transcript supplement (complément au bulletin) provides a broader appreciation of the student’s performance in the various fields of competence of a subject.

This assessment per field of competence provides a more differentiated and nuanced view of the student’s capacities to decide on the student’s orientation.


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