Support and care for young people, the implementation of projects and activities, the training, information and mediation of young people can be offered by public or private facilities and organisations:
Youth centres
More than fifty youth centres (maisons des jeunes) and annexes, managed at a municipal or regional level, welcome young people aged 12 to 26. Young people are free to use these meeting, information and entertainment facilities to meet friends, take time out, get information, talk to an educator or take part in excursions or various activities involving sports, cooking, dancing, etc.
They are supervised by professionals from the education sector, called socio-educational youth workers or “educators” in accordance with the quality assurance system introduced by the ministry responsible for youth in 2017.
The work of the youth centres is part of non-formal education. The educational approach encourages personal development, autonomy, initiative and contribution to society.
The participation of young people in the activities offered in the youth centres is voluntary, without any financial contribution, except for some specific activities. Youth centres are run by non-profit associations or municipalities. The costs of these services are shared for up to 50% by the ministry and 50% by the municipalities in which they are located.
Youth services at a national level
The following services have entered into conventions with the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth and are entirely financed by the State:
- Agence nationale pour l’information des jeunes
- Auberges de jeunesse luxembourgeoises
- Axwai
- Centre de médiation
- Centre national de prévention des addictions (CNAPA)
- Conférence générale de la jeunesse (CGJL – de Jugendrot)
- Coopérations asbl avec le Jugendbureau Éislek
- Daachverband vun de Lëtzebuerger Jugendstrukturen (DLJ)
- Fondation AGGL FNEL – Fédération nationale des éclaireurs et des éclaireuses
- Fondation Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten (LGS)
- Groupement européen des Ardennes et de l’Eiffel (EVEA)
- Hariko Croix-Rouge (projet artistique)
- Impuls
- Jugendroutkräiz
- Jugendinfopunkten
- Kanner- a Jugendtelefon de Caritas Jeunes et Familles (KJT)
- Lëtzebuerger Landjugend
- Mérite jeunesse
- move. – déi Jonk am Mouvement écologique
- Nordstadjugend asbl
- Radio Graffiti
- Sport-Krees Atert
- Services vacances de la Croix-Rouge et de Caritas Jeunes et Familles
- youngcaritas
- Zenter fir exzessiivt Verhalen a Verhalenssucht (ZEV)