Back to education options

To increase your level of qualification, you may enrol in a back-to-education programme (2e voie de qualification). A variety of courses are offered according to the needs of the learners in the form of daytime, evening, blended learning or e-learning courses.

Classes of pre-vocational training

These classes are targeted at adults who have not reached the level required to enrol in a 5e class.The modular organisation allows each learner to progress at his or her own pace. Depending on the number of modules successfully completed, the learner may have access to the CCP or DAP (A and B) or to a 5e d'adaptation. The modular system also allows learners to be admitted during the school year.

5e classes

The 5e classes give access to secondary education and vocational training. These classes are intended for adults not having reached the required level of 5e (3 years of secondary education) to be able to pursue their professional and personal projects. This also applies to people with an immigration background who do not have a recognised level of education or the language skills required to access the Luxembourg school system. A range of classes are available:

  • 5e d’adaptation (adaptation class)
  • 5e d’adaptation francophone (adaptation class, taught in French)
  • 5e générale (general secondary education)
  • 5e générale francophone (general secondary education, taught in French)
  • 5e générale – apprentissage intensif de la langue française (general secondary education – intensive study of French)
  • 5e classique (classical secondary education)

Vocational training

Adult vocational training is designed for people who are of legal age and would like to learn a trade or make a career change in their professional life.  It is intended for adults with an employment contract as well as for job seekers registered with the National Employment Agency (ADEM). Training programmes may lead to a vocational capacity certificate (CCP – certificat de capacité professionnelle), a vocational aptitude diploma (DAP – diplôme d’aptitude professionnelle) or to a technician’s diploma (DT – diplôme de technicien).  Adult apprentices are paid the social minimum wage by the employer.

The following specific curricula for adults are available:

  • DAP agent administratif et commercial (administrative and commercial agent – 1st year)
  • DAP cuisinier (cook – 1st year)
  • CCP cuisinier (cook)
  • DAP pépiniériste-paysagiste (plant nursery worker-landscape gardener)
  • DAP auxiliaire de vie (carer)
  • DAP électricien (electrician)
  • Training as a technicien en administration et commerce (technician in administration and commerce)

Curricula leading to a secondary school leaving diploma

The classes of 4e to 1re (4 last years of secondary education) of classical and general secondary education are organised as daytime courses, blended learning or evening courses.

The following curricula are available:

  • division technique générale section ingénierie (general technical division subject area engineering)
  • section professions de santé et sociales (subject area health and social professions, 4e and 3e)
  • formation de l’éducateur en alternance (work-based training as educator, 2e, 1re ,1re+)
  • section administrative et commerciale (subject area administration and commerce, 4e-1re)
  • section classique section sciences humaines et sociales (classical subject area human and social sciences, 4e-1re)
  • training leading to the diplôme d’accès aux études supérieures (DAES, diploma giving access to higher education) – 2 years


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