School - parents partnership

Cooperation between parents and school is one of the key factors for the pupil’s success.

The class teacher regularly organises information and concertation meetings for the pupils’ parents to discuss the objectives of the cycle, the skill assessment modalities and the organisation of the class attended by their child.

Furthermore, the class teacher invites the parents at the end of the term to inform them about the learning progress of their child. Parents have to comply with invitations to appear at the school to three annual meetings (cf. page Assessment).


Every three years in each school parents elect at least two parents’ representatives. The school committee and the representatives meet at least three times a year to discuss the proposed organisation of the school as well as the school development plan (plan de développement de l'établissement scolaire) prepared by the school committee.

Parents are also represented in the:

  • the National representation of parents covers all education levels and is a democratically elected body acting as the parents’ spokesperson and as an advisor to the minister for national education.
  • the municipal school committee (Commission scolaire communale) promotes the partnership between school authorities, school staff and parents at the municipal level.
  • the national school commission (Commission scolaire nationale). It submits proposals to the minister about reforms, research topics, continuing training offers and improvements it deems necessary. In addition to the other partners, it includes two parents as members. They are appointed by the minister upon proposal of the organisation représentative des associations des parents d’élèves (organisation representing parents’ associations).

The Fédération des associations de parents d’élèves du Luxembourg (FAPEL) is recognised as the organisation representing parents’ associations at the national level.

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