Learning areas and assessment

Today just like in the past, schools teach how to read, to write and to calculate. However, these subjects are no longer a target by themselves but a starting point for the acquisition of further skills.

The subjects in elementary school are the bases of any further skill acquisition, be it the progressive mastering of the language, the apprehension of the surrounding world or the acquisition of values and rules of life in a community.

For this reason, the essential skills that each child must acquire at the various levels of his/her curriculum were defined so that the child can progress towards a qualification matching his/her capacities and interests. These skills are assessed with a double scope: on one hand guide the pupils in their learning in order to help them position themselves and make progress (formative assessment) and on the other hand, to certify that the pupils have reached the level (socle de compétence – skills base) which allows them to move on to the next cycle (certifying assessment).


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