Comité interministériel de la jeunesse

The field of intervention by young people applies to multiple topics and sectors. The aim of the large Comité interministériel de la jeunesse (Interministerial Committee on Youth) is:

  • to advise the government on all projects that relate to the youth policy as well as on any questions and projects that the government deems it useful to consult it on,
  • to propose measures to the government that are likely to put the youth policy’s cross-cutting approach into practice,
  • to coordinate these measures with those taken within the framework of other cross-cutting government strategies.

It includes representatives from the ministries responsible for Childhood and Youth, the Rights of the Child, Family, Foreign Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Development Cooperation, National Education, Work and Employment, Health, Housing, Equal Opportunities, Culture, Sports, Justice, which includes a representative from the Public Prosecutor’s office and the Police.

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