
The organisation "Ministry of Education, Children and Youth" is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the law of 28th May 2019 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies. This accessibility statement applies to:

What is digital accessibility?

Everyone should be able to easily use and consult the information on a website or an app, in particular people with disabilities and/or using assistive software or specialised equipment (blind, partially sighted or otherwise disabled people).

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with the European Standard EN 301 549 and RGAA version 4.1 , due to the reasons listed below.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reason(s):


We are committed to correct these issues as soon as possible.

  • Some landmarks need to be improved or added to facilitate access through assistive technologies (for example: search field labels, the identification of pagination areas)
  • Language changes are not indicated for certain English, German or Luxembourgish terms.
  • Some content may change dynamically without the user being informed (e.g. the search results in the calendar)
  • On some pages, the hierarchical order of the titles is not appropriate;
  • Some embedded iframe content contains errors (unauthorised attributes or identifications).

Disproportionate burden

  • In the site header, the order of keyboard navigation is different from the visual order between the menu, the languages ​​and the search form
  • The links given in the sub-menus cannot be reached using the keyboard via the browser bar. Access to the information pages in this sub-menu can nevertheless be reached from the browser bar, and from the page footer.
  • Some interface components have shortcomings when it comes to handling by assistive technologies:
    • on mobile phones, the button to open the menu and the filters;
    • when doing a search, the use of filters;
  • Nevertheless, this should not prevent access to the information. In addition, these components will be reviewed in a future version to improve the user experience and be fully compatible with accessibility.
  • Especially older editorial content may contain non-conformities:
    • lists and badly formatted headings.
    • non-relevant link titles and image alternatives,
    • unidentified language switchers
    • empty paragraph
  • Some videos published after 23 September 2020 do not have accurate text transcripts. We will endeavor to provide the messages conveyed in the video in the surrounding text
  • Some errors in the validity of HTML code can disrupt assistive technologies.
  • The office documents available on this website may not comply with the EN 301 549 V2.1.2 standard. We will endeavour to provide you with information on request in order to obtain an accessible alternative.

Content is outside of the scope of the law of 28 May 2019

  • Downloadable documents provided by third parties are not under our control.
  • All videos published on the website prior to 23 September 2020.
  • All interactive maps are exempted, provided that all essential information is made available in an accessible digital form. We will make every effort to keep them identifiable and to ensure that they do not cause any problems.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 9 August 2021. The statements contained in this declaration are accurate and based on an effective conformity assessment of this website with the requirements defined in RGAA 4.1 , such as an assessment conducted by a third-party: Service information et presse. The statement was last reviewed on 29/03/2022.

Feedback and contact information

  • in written form through a document or via email;
  • orally in an interview or over the phone.

Enforcement procedure

In the event of an unsatisfactory response, you have the option of informing the Information and Press Service, which is in charge of the verification of accessibility, via its online contact form, as well as the Ombudsman, mediator of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.



This statement is based on the document template defined in the implementing decision (EU) 2018/1523. This template is © European Union, 1998-2020 and is available under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Last update