Linguistic integration of newly arrived adults

In the context of integration and the acquisition of nationality the Department of Adult Education is offering various training options, i.e., :

  • Language courses for people who have just arrived in the country as language integration courses (IL)
  • Courses and exams « Vivre ensemble au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg », which are mandatory for the acquisition of Luxembourg nationality
  • Language courses throughout the country

In the frame of the Contrat d’accueil et d’intégration - CAI (Reception and integration contract) proposed by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and Greater Region - Integration Department , the Department of Adult Education is involved with language and civic education courses as well at the level of the orientation day.

Language Integration Course (IL)

The Language Integration Course is provided by the Department of Adult Education. It is aimed at applicants and beneficiaries of international protection (DPI & BPI) who have no knowledge of any of the country's official languages. These are free language literacy courses or beginner level courses for French as an integration language. They are also open to newcomers who are not literate and have no prior knowledge of the French language.

Individual guidance session 

Learners will provide their contact details, information about their language skills and their academic background at the Maison de l'Orientation.

A test will allow to determine if they should attend a literacy course or a beginner course in French or Luxembourgish. Learners can specify their course preference (time and location).

At the end of this meeting, future learners will receive an appointment to pick up their school material and receive any further information about their course.

Language Integration Course (IL)

These are free literacy courses or beginner level courses for French as an integration language.

They are available in 5 locations (Kirchberg, Diekirch, Ettelbruck/Warken, Esch-sur-Alzette and Belval).

New sessions start at each trimester.

The courses last from 7 to 11h per week, according to the level. They are organized with face-to-face and distance teaching. In addition, 3 practical workshops per trimester are provided.

These workshops promote the development of multidisciplinary skills (autonomy, digital skills, discovery of Luxembourg ...) and the use of the French language in practical situations and daily communication.

The target of this Language Integration Course is the A1 level of CECRL.

At the end of the course, an orientation session is organised to guide participants in the continuation of their learning path: school offer for adults (preparatory courses, adult learning ...), validation of prior education and experience, recognition of diplomas, access to university and language courses.

Enrolment in the Language Integration Courses (IL)

Enrolment is possible without appointment and exclusively at the Maison de l’Orientation:


Service de la formation des adultes (Department of Adult Education)
Cellule d'orientation
Maison de l'orientation
29, rue Aldringen
L-1118 Luxembourg


Opening hours:

  • Monday
    01.00 pm - 05.00 pm
  • Tuesday - Friday
    10.00 am - 12.00 am
    01.00 pm - 06.00 pm

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