Professionals who work with children on a daily basis may be confronted with a suspicion of child abuse by an adult or by another child.
Intentional or unintentional maltreatment includes any situation of physical violence, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse or serious neglect that may jeopardise the child's physical, psychological or emotional development. Some types of abuse may result in judicial and psychosocial actions, while others may lead exclusively to psychosocial actions.
In order to inform professionals (educators, teachers, social workers, health professionals, therapists, advisors and others) about existing procedures on the protection of children, the Ministry has published the document "Maltraitance de mineur : Procédures à suivre par les professionnels de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse". The project was implemented together with key actors in the field of children's rights: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, State prosecution, Police, Centre psychosocial et d’accompagnement scolaires (CePAS), Ombudscomité fir d'Rechter vum Kand, Association luxembourgeoise de pédiatrie sociale, Service médico-scolaire de la Ville de Luxembourg, Ligue médico-sociale, etc.
The document (in French) can be requested by e-mail (info.droitsdelenfant@men.lu) or can be downloaded here: