National coordination of the European Agenda for adult learning and training

The renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning (2011) established the way in which adult learning and training in Europe was to develop in the years leading up to 2020. The priorities for the period 2015-2020 cover various areas:

  • Governance: ensuring coherence between adult learning and training and other areas of action; improving the coordination, effectiveness and adequacy of such learning provision to meet the needs of society, the economy and the environment; increasing private and public investment as necessary.
  • Supply and take-up of learning opportunities:  significantly increasing the provision of high-quality adult learning and training opportunities, especially as regards literacy, numeracy and digital skills, and promoting the take-up of such opportunities through effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies targeted in particular at those groups that are most in need of them.
  • Flexibility and access:  expanding access by increasing vocational training opportunities and the effective use of ICT; putting in place procedures to ascertain and evaluate the competences of low qualified adults and providing people lacking the requisite level of qualifications with second-chance opportunities leading to qualifications recognised by the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
  • Quality: improving quality assurance, including impact monitoring and assessment, improving initial and ongoing training of adult educators, and collecting the requisite data regarding the needs to be targeted and the training programmes to be set up in this field.

Luxembourg projects


Luxembourg has implemented three key elements of the agenda:

  1. Improving the quality and accessibility of the educational system;
  2. Devising flexible training programmes;
  3. Promoting basic skills.


The family constitutes one of the crucial factors for the academic success of children; consequently, Luxembourg has developed a "Family Learning" project, designed to promote a fairer educational system by addressing itself to disadvantaged families in which the parents left school at an early age and to the families of refugees. The project enables the parents to acquire new skills, and encourages them to be more involved in the education of their children.


The aim of the project has been to strengthen and expand the learning community in Luxembourg.  That community is composed of citizens, the regions and the various learning organisations. The project has been designed to increase the skills enabling citizens to live together in a multilingual and multicultural society, as well as the general skills level. Going beyond these aspirations, Luxembourg has developed measures to ensure the quality of and to stimulate participation in lifelong learning, with the aim of facilitating the social and professional integration of those who left school early, and of applicants for and beneficiaries of international protection.


The pathways for skills building constitute a key element for achieving the European agenda. The objective is the targeted development of the opportunities offered in terms of guidance, basic education and formal training for low-skilled adults. In thematic workshops, the stakeholders and participants will engage in a structured debate designed to result in a concrete action plan. The implementation of that plan will form the topic for discussion at educational development sessions and will go hand in hand with the development of guidance and coaching methods as well as targeted pathways for low-skilled persons. The training of trainers and coaches plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality of the services provided.

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