Welcome to the Luxembourgish school

Schooling of foreign pupils
Publication date
Brochure : Welcome to the Luxembourgish school
Welcome to the Luxembourgish school
Language : English
Pdf - 1.27 Mb - 32 page(s)

Public secondary schools are open to adolescents having reached the age of 12. Schooling is currently compulsory until the 1st September following the 16th birthday. From the start of the 2026/2027 school year, schooling will be compulsory until the age of 18. All children of compulsory school age must be enrolled in school, regardless of the status of their parents.

The brochure Welcome to the Luxembourgish school, available in French, English, German and Portuguese, provides information for students who have recently arrived in Luxembourg and their parents. It includes an overview of the Luxembourg public school system, detailed information on primary and secondary education, on the international school offer and on adult education, as well as useful addresses and contacts to obtain further information and guidance.


In other languages

Brochure : Bienvenue à l^école luxembourgeoise

Bienvenue à l’école luxembourgeoise

Language : French
Pdf - 1.29 Mb - 32 page(s)
Willkommen in der Luxemburger Schule

Willkommen in der Luxemburger Schule

Language : German
Pdf - 1.29 Mb - 32 page(s)
Folheto: Bem-vindos à escola luxemburguesa

Bem-vindos à escola luxemburguesa

Language : Portuguese
Pdf - 1.30 Mb - 32 page(s)

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