Handbook for parents of primary school pupils (COVID-19) Publication type Guides Topic(s) Health and wellbeing - COVID-19 Publication date 05/03/2021 Editor MENJE / CePAS Handbook for parents of primary school pupils (COVID-19) Language : English Pdf - 227 Kb - 4 page(s) Download In other languages Guide à l’attention des parents de l’enseignement fondamental (COVID-19) Language : French Pdf - 220 Kb - 4 page(s) Download Leitfaden für Eltern von Kindern in der Grundschule (COVID-19) Language : German Pdf - 226 Kb - 4 page(s) Download Guide fir d’Eltere vu Kanner an der Grondschoul (COVID-19) Language : Luxembourgish Pdf - 231 Kb - 4 page(s) Download Guia de orientação aos pais no ensino básico (COVID-19) Language : Portuguese Pdf - 228 Kb - 4 page(s) Download